Gender violence in university students: A challenge for higher education

Gender violence in university students: A challenge for higher education


  • Macarena Trujillo Cristoffanini Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Inma Pastor-Gosálbez Universidad Rovira i Virgili



education, feminism, gender violence, universities


Gender violence threatens women's human rights regardless of their status or origin. This article presents a research conducted in Chilean universities during 2019, which addresses, through a qualitative methodology, the experiences of female university students who have faced gender-based violence by their partners. With this objective, researchers explored in the first place, the emotional repercussions that this type of violence entails, as well as the trajectories and difficulties that young women must face in order to end relationships in which violence has existed. Secondly, it is analyzed the incidence of formal and informal support networks that young people have and the various levels of trust that they project. In a preeminent way, those networks stand out that, from within the educational spaces, promote the agency and autonomy of the students and impel them to abandon relations with the aggressors. The experiences collected make visible the inescapable role of higher education institutions in the fight against gender violence.

Author Biographies

Macarena Trujillo Cristoffanini, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Socióloga, Máster en Género, Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad de Barcelona. Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la Playa Ancha, Chile, Investigadora Responsable del Proyecto de Iniciación FONDECYT N° 11170484. Principales áreas de investigación: Teorías y Epistemologías feministas, Género y Migraciones, Violencia de Género, Estructura y Desigualdad social.

Inma Pastor-Gosálbez, Universidad Rovira i Virgili

Profesora titular de Sociología de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Es doctora en Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y miembro del grupo consolidado Social & Bussiness Research Laboratory de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Co-directora del Observatorio de la Igualdad y del módulo Jean Monnet sobre Integración Europea y Género así como la red Jean Monnet G-NET Equality Training Network. Ha participado en proyectos de investigación del Plan Nacional I+D+I de España y proyectos europeos. Ha publicado más de 40 artículos y más de 60 capítulos de libro y libros y ha dirigido cinco tesis doctorales.



How to Cite

Trujillo Cristoffanini, M., & Pastor-Gosálbez, I. (2021). Gender violence in university students: A challenge for higher education. Psicoperspectivas, 20(1).