From microviolence to school climate: Keys to understanding from the speech of public school teachers in Santiago

From microviolence to school climate: Keys to understanding from the speech of public school teachers in Santiago


  • Jaime Retamal Salazar USACH
  • Sebastián Omar González García USACH



School Microviolence, School Climate, Neoliberalism, School Violence


School violence has been studied from various epistemological traditions and methodological models. This paper presents a qualitative research that sought to link the hermeneutical understanding of Éric Debarbieux on school microviolence with the perception of school climate, in teachers and professors of public schools of Santiago de Chile, who on average have more than thirty years of work experience in the school system. Eight semi-structured interviews were carried out and the data was analyzed using Grounded Theory. The results showed that school microviolence and the school climate are structured fundamentally from a critical explanatory discourse to neoliberalism and socio-scholarly construction derived from it.

Author Biographies

Jaime Retamal Salazar, USACH

Sebastián Omar González García, USACH



How to Cite

Retamal Salazar, J., & González García, S. O. (2019). From microviolence to school climate: Keys to understanding from the speech of public school teachers in Santiago. Psicoperspectivas, 18(1).