Juventud sub(des)empleada: De lo precario a la resiliencia

Juventud sub(des)empleada: De lo precario a la resiliencia


  • Alia Weston OCAD University
  • J. Miguel Imas Kingston University
  • Jen Manning DIT
  • Paul Donnelly DIT
  • Kudzayi Ngwerume Mu'unze Social Enterprise



Palabras clave:

agencia juventud, juventud subempleada, postcolonialidad, precariedad, resiliencia social


En este artículo se explora las experiencias de jóvenes irlandeses y zimbabuenses que trabajan en condiciones precarias. Sus experiencias fueron estudiadas a través de sus contextos bajo la pregunta: ¿Cómo jóvenes no empleados en el Sur y Norte Global resiliencia y agencia mientras navegan por la precariedad económica? El artículo se basa en literatura sobre juventud del Norte y del Sur Global, enfatizando la precariedad socio-económica, agencia, y resiliencia, y entrevistas realizadas en Irlanda y Zimbabue, bajo un enfoque narrativo poscolonial. Los hallazgos muestran que, en el siglo XXI, los jóvenes el Irlanda (del Norte Global) y Zimbabue (del Sur Global) viven distintas precariedades económicas. Del mismo modo, al aplicar una mirada poscolonial se descubre que las experiencias de estos jóvenes no son tan claras o distintas como sugiere la literatura. Se concluye que las comparaciones poco realistas (neo) coloniales entre los jóvenes del Norte y del Sur Global, crean suposiciones y estereotipos que (mal)informan la política y apoyan intervenciones creadas en respuesta a los desafíos percibidos.

Biografía del autor/a

Alia Weston, OCAD University

Alia Weston is an Assistant Professor at OCAD University, Toronto. She has an expertise in the areas of business management and design, and her research is focused on understanding how creativity and business can contribute to positive social change. Key themes in her research include exploring creative resistance within resource constrained environments, and exploring how alternative business practices can contribute to solving key challenges in society.

J. Miguel Imas, Kingston University

J. M. Imas lectures at Kingston university and hold visiting scholar position at the University of Bologna in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His teaching is in the áreas of organisational psychology and critical management and organisation studies. His research is focused on the creativity and entrepreneurship of marginal communities and organisations.


Jen Manning, DIT

Jen Manning Jen Manning is lecturer in Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. Her teaching focuses on strategic management and integrating critical theory and critical thinking skills into mangement education. Her research is focused on using decolonial feminism as a lens to explore colonialism, patriarchy and capitalism in management and organisation studies and practices. Her work is primarily focused on exploring alternative ways of working by integrating the voices, lives and experiences of marginalised Global South women into mainstream discourse.

Paul Donnelly, DIT

Paul Donnelly (PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA) is Professor of Management and Organisation Studies at Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. A Fulbright Fellow and Taiwan Fellow, he is an Independent Expert on Ireland’s National Economic and Social Council, Incoming Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Academy of Management, and Past Division Chair of the Critical Management Studies Division of the Academy of Management.  With an affinity for exploring management and organisation through the lenses of critical management studies, and working with qualitative methodologies, his research seeks to understand the experiences and practices of people and groups at the margins of management and organisation research. Also, at the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, he is developing a growing interest in the future of work

Kudzayi Ngwerume, Mu'unze Social Enterprise

Kudzayi is the founder of Mu'unze a creative social enterprise that collaborates with under-resourced women-led communities to access international design markets. A creative & social impact enthusiast, her current focus is on creative content strategy and harnessing the power of communities and co-creation to achieve breakthroughs for positive impact.



Cómo citar

Weston, A., Imas, J. M., Manning, J., Donnelly, P., & Ngwerume, K. (2019). Juventud sub(des)empleada: De lo precario a la resiliencia. Psicoperspectivas, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol18-Issue3-fulltext-1671