A description of the self-perceived role of the Psychologist and its implications for undergraduate education processes

A description of the self-perceived role of the Psychologist and its implications for undergraduate education processes


  • Mauricio González Universidad de La Serena
  • Ingrid González Departamento de Psicología Universidad de La Serena
  • Karol Vicencio Departamento de Psicología Universidad de La Serena




psychologist role, psychologist educational process, skills, graduate qualifications


The social valoration of Psychologist is inconstant and depends largely on the quality of the education process. Psychologist’s teachers must consider and reflect on the role and self-perceived difficulties in the professional practice of psychologists practicing .The purpose of this research was to describe the self-perceived role of the Psychologist: chores, difficulties and required competencies in their various professional endeavors. To achieve this, we conducted semi-structured interviews to twenty Psychologists who work in different professional areas. We applied content analyses at a descriptive level. The main findings are that the self-perceived role is: i) diffused and confused or else flexible and broad; ii) their mission is to promote the well-being of people; iii) it varies depending on the context of the action. Limitations are observed in their relationship with the environment and with other people, plus the need to strengthen the development of generic skills such as oral and inter-personal communication and specific skills such as understanding theory, scientific research and assessment. 

Author Biography

Mauricio González, Universidad de La Serena





How to Cite

González, M., González, I., & Vicencio, K. (2014). A description of the self-perceived role of the Psychologist and its implications for undergraduate education processes. Psicoperspectivas, 13(1), 108-120. https://doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol13-Issue1-fulltext-296