Creative Collaborative Dispositifs for the resignification of sexual assault

Creative Collaborative Dispositifs for the resignification of sexual assault


  • Verónica Fonseca Gutiérrez
  • Paula Andrea Rodríguez Abril
  • Andrea Carolina Velandia Paredes
  • Diana Janneth Laverde Gallego



group psychotherapy, identity, narratives, sexual assault


Sexual abuse of women responds to the power relations where they are immersed, considering that men are positioned hierarchically higher and even implement abusive acts to exert power, control and punishment over them. This article discusses the results of a research-intervention whose purpose was to understand the processes of narrative resignification of identity in women victims of sexual abuse, using Collaborative Creative Dispositifs (CCD), in a psychotherapeutic group process among women, aiming at encouraging the emergence of alternative narratives. Through a qualitative, second order and narrative methodology, a CDD-mediated group psychotherapeutic exercise is carried out with four women who were sexually abused. The results allow us to recognize that collective spaces mediated by narrative strategies and artistic experiences favor processes of change through support, solidarity and sisterhood. In order to achieve processes of accountability, reparation and deconstruction, it is recommended to include male versions and involve actors who perpetrate and perpetuate this kind of violence.    



How to Cite

Fonseca Gutiérrez, V., Rodríguez Abril, P. A., Velandia Paredes, A. C., & Laverde Gallego, D. J. (2023). Creative Collaborative Dispositifs for the resignification of sexual assault. Psicoperspectivas, 22(3).