Relational teacher-student practices and participation in the classroom: Challenges for the construction of a democratic school

Relational teacher-student practices and participation in the classroom: Challenges for the construction of a democratic school


  • Carolina Urbina Hurtado Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Rebecca Ipinza Villamán Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Luciano Gutiérrez-Fuentes Universidad Andrés Bello



democracy, participation, social interaction, teacher-student relationship


Democratic coexistence is a process that is built from the daily interactions in the school. For its improvement, the relationships in the classroom constitute a relevant focus. In this research, the relational practices between teachers and students in the classroom were described and analyzed based on an ethnographic design in four basic education courses in two public schools in the region of Valparaiso. To this end, a team of researchers conducted participant observations during an academic year. The results indicated that the daily life of the classroom and the spaces for participation continue to be mostly moderated and mediated by the teachers, with few instances proposed by the students, which are restricted to working alone or in a dyad with the teacher. Such spaces may occasionally be challenged by students. We conclude with respect to the possibilities of transforming the relational practices interwoven in the daily life, in order to build a genuine democratic school and not only nominative.    

Author Biographies

Carolina Urbina Hurtado, Universidad Andrés Bello

Psicóloga USACH, Doctora en Psicología UAM (España), Postdoctorado PUCV, Profesora Investigadora UNAB

Rebecca Ipinza Villamán, Universidad Andrés Bello

Psicóloga PUCV. Personal Técnico Fondecyt 11180634

Luciano Gutiérrez-Fuentes, Universidad Andrés Bello

Psicólogo PUCV. Personal Técnico Fondecyt 11180634



How to Cite

Urbina Hurtado, C., Ipinza Villamán, R., & Gutiérrez-Fuentes, L. (2020). Relational teacher-student practices and participation in the classroom: Challenges for the construction of a democratic school. Psicoperspectivas, 19(3).