Relation between educational leadership and school achievement: Review of the research in Chile
Liderazgo educativo en Chile, eficacia escolar y liderazgo en Chile, efectos del liderazgo directivo en Chile.Abstract
This paper introduces 14 evidence-based studies carried out in Chile that bring out the importance of educational leadership in obtaining adequate school achievement.. These studies are a product of a bibliographical review performed from the year 2000 onwards. The aim of this article is to point out the scope of the empirical research that has been carried out regarding the relation between school leadership and learning outcomes in the Chilean school system. The paper summarizes the evidence developed over the last 10 years of research. In addition, we present the methodologies used by the researchers to present their findings and conclusions. Last, we discuss the progress and shortcomings that research initiatives on this topic have had to deal up to now, as well as how it tunes in with the advances of research internationally.Published
How to Cite
Horn Kupfer, A., & Marfán Sánchez, J. (2010). Relation between educational leadership and school achievement: Review of the research in Chile. Psicoperspectivas, 9(2), 82-104.
Research Articles - ST
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