Editorial: Social Sciences responsibility and challenges

Editorial: Social Sciences responsibility and challenges


  • Paula Ascorra Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso




editorial, inequality, inequity, Social Sciences, Unesco


The current social problems could be reduced to a lack of understanding, measurement and solutions in the face of growing inequity. According to Unesco, inequality must be considered a serious matter, since its lack of treatment can jeopardize the sustainability of economies, societies and communities. The present issue of Psicoperspectivas compares 10 articles of free themes, which share a common body, that is, they are framed in the challenge that Social Sciences currently face in understanding and seeking timely responses to the problems that the world is experiencing, contributing to the understanding of social and political inequalities, and publishing articles from different regions of Latin America (Spain, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay). The scientific publication in Latin America on the subject is insufficient, our production is one of the lowest in the world, despite the evident need to overcome difficulties in terms of equity, poverty, health, education, work, gender, etc. that our continent lives.



How to Cite

Ascorra, P. (2017). Editorial: Social Sciences responsibility and challenges. Psicoperspectivas, 16(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol16-Issue1-fulltext-1081