The performative functions of instruments in Public Action networks

The performative functions of instruments in Public Action networks


  • Alvaro Soto Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Carla Fardella Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Alan Valenzuela Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Francisca Carvajal Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Instruments, networks, performativity, public action


From a sociotechnical perspective, this work analyses the way in which the instruments that regulate the execution of State Programs perform the activity of the actors of the networks arising from public-private partnerships. Technologies and their calculability practices challenge to the actors shape the activity and constitute the social experience within the network. A study based on a quasi-ethnographic perspective was carried out in two networks arising from public-private partnerships of the Chilean state, in order to understand the ways in which the calculation instruments perform their activity. The results give an account of three performative functions of the public action management technologies: the network framing, the activity translation and the network representation. At the same time, the analysis allows to identify types of instruments according to the performative function that they preferentially exercise, distinguishing between framing instruments, execution instruments and evaluation and monitoring instruments. It is achieved a unique reading of the performance and performativity of public management technologies.

Author Biographies

Alvaro Soto, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

académico, Facultad de Psicología Universidad Alberto hurtado

Carla Fardella, Universidad Andrés Bello

académicca, facultad de Esducación UNAB

Alan Valenzuela, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

estuduiante de Magister



How to Cite

Soto, A., Fardella, C., Valenzuela, A., & Carvajal, F. (2017). The performative functions of instruments in Public Action networks. Psicoperspectivas, 16(3), 76-86.