The tinku as a political expression: Contributions towards an activist citizenship in Santiago de Chile

The tinku as a political expression: Contributions towards an activist citizenship in Santiago de Chile


  • Francisca Fernández Droguett Universidad de Chile
  • Roberto Fernández Droguett Universidad de Chile



tinku, activist citizenship, political demonstration, political use of identity


The tinku, as an Andean dance, has been performed in urban contexts and in political demonstrations in Santiago. This has allowed the consolidation of a diversity of dancing groups that consider the tinku a means to express citizenship. In this context, the main objective of this research is to characterize and analyze the way in which urban space is taken over and its meaning revised by this type of bodily action. The main theoretical axes are the notions of activist citizenship and the political use of identity. This research was conducted from an ethnographic perspective, based on group interviews to dancers from a diversity of groups and on the self-observation carried out by one of the authors, in his capacity as member of an Andean dance collective in Santiago. In a way, the tinku may be characterized as an expression of esthetic resistance and a new way of living in and politicizing the city.

Author Biographies

Francisca Fernández Droguett, Universidad de Chile

Antropóloga, miembro del Programa de Psicología Social de la Memoria, facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile.

Roberto Fernández Droguett, Universidad de Chile

Psicólogo, miembro del Programa de Psicología Social de la Memoria, facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile.



How to Cite

Fernández Droguett, F., & Fernández Droguett, R. (2015). The tinku as a political expression: Contributions towards an activist citizenship in Santiago de Chile. Psicoperspectivas, 14(2), 62-71.