Processes of production of gender subjectivity in academic work: Times and spaces from feminine bodies

Processes of production of gender subjectivity in academic work: Times and spaces from feminine bodies


  • Soledad Martínez-Labrín Universidad del Bío Bío
  • Bruno Bivort-Urrutia Universidad del Bío-Bío



gender, academic work, feminist theory, subjectivity


Theoretical constructions about time and space produced to describe and understand the relationship between gender and work, in the context of organizational university structures, are discussed. To do so, 5 narratives of academic women on their gender experiences within university structures are analyzed. The narratives are first examined from the point of view of academic work as a nodal point in which traditional ways of making organization concur. Narratives are also analyzed from viewpoint of gender differences as their appear in all labor environments; as well as considering a particular component of academic work, which is the production of knowledge.

Author Biographies

Soledad Martínez-Labrín, Universidad del Bío Bío

Departamento Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile.

Bruno Bivort-Urrutia, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Departamento Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile.



How to Cite

Martínez-Labrín, S., & Bivort-Urrutia, B. (2014). Processes of production of gender subjectivity in academic work: Times and spaces from feminine bodies. Psicoperspectivas, 13(1), 15-22.