Emotional meaning in eating behavior: a systematic review

Emotional meaning in eating behavior: a systematic review


  • Liz Carolay Vanegas Rodríguez Estudiante


alimentación, emoción, significado, nostalgia, memoria


Various studies have highlighted the importance of attributing meanings to food, recognizing this aspect as fundamental to the development of various culinary practices that encompass purchasing, preparation, and consumption of food. However, the study of the emotions surrounding these meanings has been underexplored. Research in this area has primarily focused on how food is used as a means of emotional regulation, associating it with the development of mental and physical health pathologies. The main objective of this research is to provide a theoretical overview of recent studies that link the emotional significance of food and its construction across generations, influencing cultural customs and perpetuating certain social stigmas that impact personal identity formation. To this end, a systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA method, selecting 14 studies for analysis. The emerging categories were: meanings associated with food, emotions and eating behavior, and identity creation through food. These categories serve as fundamental premises for the development of this research.

Author Biography

Liz Carolay Vanegas Rodríguez, Estudiante

Maestrante en el área de psicología clínica, de la universidad de Manizales, con especial afinidad en procesos de comprensión del comportamiento humano en cuanto a la creación de significados desde su individualidad y vida en sociedad.



How to Cite

Vanegas Rodríguez, L. C. (2025). Emotional meaning in eating behavior: a systematic review. Psicoperspectivas, 24(1). Retrieved from https://psicoperspectivas.cl/index.php/psicoperspectivas/article/view/3291



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