Meaning given by therapists to the intervention of child sexual abuse in residential care

Meaning given by therapists to the intervention of child sexual abuse in residential care


  • Lorena Contreras Taibo Universidad Diego Portales
  • Camila Peralta García Universidad Diego Portales
  • Constanza Albarrán Ávalos Universidad Diego Portales
  • Antonella Bossano Colombo Universidad Diego Portales



childhood, intervention, protective residence, psychotherapy, sexual abuse


This research aims to understand, from the therapist's perspective, the experiences of psychological therapy developed with children and adolescents who experienced child sexual abuse while in the care of the State in protective residences in Chile. Based on in-depth interviews with eight therapists with experience in the field, this qualitative study adopts a phenomenological approach to investigate the meanings they construct around therapy, its facilitators, obstacles, scope and challenges. The results of the interviews show that therapists recognize difficulties at the contextual level, highlighting as central issues the generation and safeguarding of bonds in residential settings, the recognition of their individuality, the validation of the lived experience, the credibility of their account, the capacity for agency, positive experiences, time and regularity in the intervention, the possibilities of justice and reparation, and the availability of services. Finally, the paper reflects on the role of shelters in supporting the therapeutic work developed with children and adolescents in their care, as well as the challenges faced by public policy in these matters.    

Author Biography

Lorena Contreras Taibo, Universidad Diego Portales

Directora de posgrado Facultad de Psicología Universidad Diego Portales



How to Cite

Contreras Taibo, L., Peralta García, C., Albarrán Ávalos, C., & Bossano Colombo, A. (2023). Meaning given by therapists to the intervention of child sexual abuse in residential care. Psicoperspectivas, 22(3).