Therapization and emotions in the SEL's policy enactment in the school

Therapization and emotions in the SEL's policy enactment in the school


  • Alfonso Bonhomme Manriquez Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Nicolás Schöngut-Grollmus Universidad de O'Higgins



education, emotions, social and emotional learning, therapeutic school, therapeutic ethos


Since its introduction, emotional intelligence concept has motivated several studies aimed at demonstrating the importance of emotions and the possibility of converting them into capabilities susceptible of being developed and/or trained. This study analyzed the manner in which the professionals responsible for implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) policies and initiatives in Chilean educational establishments have signified the emotional in operationalizing these processes. Through in-depth narrative interviews with 12 elementary school actors (principals, educational psychologists, coexistence managers, and head teachers), it is evidenced that meanings of the emotional are imbricated in the ways of approaching SLE policies which are based on a therapeutic-cultural ethos manifested in the therapization of educational spaces, with the purpose of educating in a particular way of talking about emotions and in an affective key, favoring the development of an introspective/affective style. We discuss the implications of understanding socio-emotional development as a type of speech, as well as the problems of extending therapeutic logics to school spaces.

Author Biographies

Alfonso Bonhomme Manriquez, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Psicólogo, Candidato a Doctor en Psicología Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Nicolás Schöngut-Grollmus, Universidad de O'Higgins

Profesor Asistente, Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de O’Higgins.



How to Cite

Bonhomme Manriquez, A., & Schöngut-Grollmus, N. (2023). Therapization and emotions in the SEL’s policy enactment in the school. Psicoperspectivas, 22(1).