The narrated memory in experiences of school disengagement: For a situated knowledge to improve education

The narrated memory in experiences of school disengagement: For a situated knowledge to improve education


  • Rosa Vázquez Recio Universidad de Cádiz (España)


enclave, improve education, memory, school disengagement, situated knowledge


The objective of this paper is centered on the analysis of the role of memory in the processes of narrating experiences of school disengagement. It starts from a review of memory, highlighting its hermeneutical dimension, which gives it its narrative value of an epistemic nature. The narrated memory offers the situated knowledge that the privileged epistemic subject constructs. From this approach, memory is approached in qualitative research and in narrative approaches, methodology in which the study presented is framed. Ethnographic interviews have been carried out with teenager and young people who have experienced school disengagement. The results achieved allow us to identify the memory enclaves that are relevant in the experiences of school disengagement: the parts of discipline and expulsions, teachers, classmates, subjects, exams, transition from primary to secondary and self-image. This route allows to conclude that the situated knowledge, sustained in the narrated memory, can help to improve education to guarantee equity and inclusion

Author Biography

Rosa Vázquez Recio, Universidad de Cádiz (España)

Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Departamento de Didáctica. Responsable del Grupo de Investigacion Política Educativa, Educación Pública y Justicia Social (HUM109)



How to Cite

Vázquez Recio, R. (2021). The narrated memory in experiences of school disengagement: For a situated knowledge to improve education. Psicoperspectivas: Individuo Y Sociedad, 20(2). Retrieved from