Psychometric properties and factor structure of Scale of Psychological Well-being in chilean university students

Psychometric properties and factor structure of Scale of Psychological Well-being in chilean university students


  • Alex Veliz-Burgos Universidad Mayor Sede Temuco



psychological well-being, well-being, psychometric properties, Ryff, confirmatory factor analysis


The study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-being Scale adapted by van Dierendonck (2004). The scale was applied to a sample of 691 Chilean university students averaging 21.4 years old (SD 2.6 years). The highest reliability among sub-scales is Self-acceptance (.79) and the lowest Purpose in Life (.54). Confirmatory factor analysis shows an RMSEA of .068 which was deemed acceptable, a CFI value of .95, an NNFI of .94 and an SRMR of .060. We conclude that the model fit is adequate, so it may be used on the Chilean university student population.

Author Biography

Alex Veliz-Burgos, Universidad Mayor Sede Temuco

Doctor en Psicología y Educación, Psicólogo, docente escuela de Psicología Universidad Mayor Sede Temuco, Chile.  



How to Cite

Veliz-Burgos, A. (2012). Psychometric properties and factor structure of Scale of Psychological Well-being in chilean university students. Psicoperspectivas, 11(2), 143-163.