Organization Studies in Chile? Between fragmentation, ambiguity and disputing rationalities

Organization Studies in Chile? Between fragmentation, ambiguity and disputing rationalities


  • Nicolás Alejandro Ríos González Universidad de Barcelona
  • Juan Pablo Toro Universidad Diego Portales
  • Gregorio Pérez-Arrau Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Marcela Mandiola Cotroneo Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Alvaro Espejo Universidad Adofo Ibáñez



Chile, management, neoliberalism, organization studies, Organizational Studies


This article seeks to offer some contributions to the the debate around the development of the field of organization studies in Chile. We trace the history of this field from its inception in the global north through its influence and shiftings around Latin America, recording the milestones of organizational thought in Chile. In this context, the paper provides opinions from various scholars, researchers and organizational consultants through a generative dialogue using the world cafe methodology. From a thematic content analysis, the results shed light on the major challenges around the establishment of a field such as organization studies in Chile, whose identity remains unclear: the fragmentation of disciplines, the field's ambiguity and it's conflicting rationalities.    

Author Biographies

Nicolás Alejandro Ríos González, Universidad de Barcelona

Psicólogo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

Máster (c) en Investigación en Educación y Cambio Educativo, Universidad de Barcelona

Miembro y Secretario Ejecutivo del Grupo Chileno de Estudios Organizacionales MINGA

Juan Pablo Toro, Universidad Diego Portales

Master of Arts in Psychology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Académico Facultad de Psicología

Universidad Diego Portales

Gregorio Pérez-Arrau, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Ph.D. in Management Studies, University of Liverpool, UK.

Académico Facultad de Administración y Economía

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Marcela Mandiola Cotroneo, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Ph.D. in Management Learning, Lancaster University, UK.

Académica Facultad de Economía y Negocios

Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Alvaro Espejo, Universidad Adofo Ibáñez

Ph.D. in Administration, Universidad de Navarra, España.

Académico Escuela de Negocios

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez



How to Cite

Ríos González, N. A., Toro, J. P., Pérez-Arrau, G., Mandiola Cotroneo, M., & Espejo, A. (2018). Organization Studies in Chile? Between fragmentation, ambiguity and disputing rationalities. Psicoperspectivas, 17(3).