Teacher´s trust building and loss: An analysis of critical incidents

Teacher´s trust building and loss: An analysis of critical incidents


  • Javiera Magdalena Peña Fredes Universidad Diego Portales
  • José Weinstein Cayuela CEDLE- UDP
  • Dagmar Raczynski Asesorías para el Desarrollo




school climate, relational trust, critical incidents, school improvement, school leadership


Relational trust has been identified as a central factor in school improvement processes. It has a dynamic character and is determined by benevolence, honesty, openness, predictability and competence facets. A deficiency of any of these can undermine confidence within schools. This article seeks to identify the situations that trigger the construction and loss of confidence of the teachers in both their peers and the board of directors. The technique used was critical incidents' interviews. Thirty-four teachers from the Region of Valparaiso participated. The loss of trust is especially significant for teachers, and there are similarities in terms of the aforementioned incidents regarding loss as a gain in trust. The teachers' initial arrival at to schools is a crucial moment in building bonds of trust. There is a greater preeminence of the facet of benevolence in the incidents narrated both in relation to their peers and to the directors. Regarding the facet of competence, behavioral aspects predominate over functional ones. 

Author Biographies

Javiera Magdalena Peña Fredes, Universidad Diego Portales

Socióloga Universidad de Chile, Master in Friedens und Konfliktforschung, Philipps Universität Marburg.

Investigadora Universidad Diego Portales - Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo (CEDLE)

José Weinstein Cayuela, CEDLE- UDP

Director del Centro de Desarrollo del Liderazgo Educativo. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Educación. Sociólogo (Universidad de Chile). Doctor en Sociología (Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica). 

Dagmar Raczynski, Asesorías para el Desarrollo

Socióloga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctora en Sociología de la Universidad de California, EE.UU. Docente de la Universidad Católica de Chile.



How to Cite

Peña Fredes, J. M., Weinstein Cayuela, J., & Raczynski, D. (2018). Teacher´s trust building and loss: An analysis of critical incidents. Psicoperspectivas, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol17-Issue1-fulltext-1174