The qualitative dimension in the application system for the Solidarity Housing Found I

The qualitative dimension in the application system for the Solidarity Housing Found I


  • Carolina Naranjo Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Juan Purcell Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Vivienda mínima, vivienda social, Psicología Comunitaria, Psicología Ambiental, Investigación Participativa, equipo transdisciplinario.


This participative research was performed by a transdisciplinary team of Architecture and Psychology, who developed a housing model considering the needs and desires of a group of 30 families applying for the "Solidarity Housing Fund I" in the commune of Valparaiso, Chile. Community Social Psychology, Environmental Psychology and Participative Research allowed incorporating the qualitative dimension to the development of the housing model design. The results show that this approach to the social housing problem contributes, on one hand, to resolve the community needs and, on the other hand, to the housing policy.    

Author Biographies

Carolina Naranjo, Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Psicóloga. Experiencia en proyectos sociales de intervención e investigación universitaria.

Actualmente dedicada al tema de la vivienda social. 

Consultor MINVU.

Juan Purcell, Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


Director Programa de Magíster Ciudad y Territorio PUCV.



How to Cite

Naranjo, C., & Purcell, J. (2010). The qualitative dimension in the application system for the Solidarity Housing Found I. Psicoperspectivas, 9(1), 181-202.