Intervention agents at psychosocial programs: Types of support and effects regarding vulnerability level

Intervention agents at psychosocial programs: Types of support and effects regarding vulnerability level


  • Marianne Daher Universidad San Sebastián, Facultad de Psicología
  • Andrea Jaramillo Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Psicología
  • Antonia Rosati Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Psicología



intervention agent, psychosocial support, poverty, qualitative research, vulnerability


Psychosocial support programs focus their work in the relation established between intervention agents and participants. Theoretical literature highlights the importance of this relationship and agents' characteristics, as well as empirical studies, show its link with the intervention effects. However, those are generic characterizations, without deepening in participants' diversity, and based on pre-established variables that do not consider participants' experiences. The objective of this study was to analyze, from the perspective of two Chilean psychosocial programs participants, the relationship with their intervention agents and its influence in the implementation and effects of the social programs, taking into account their vulnerability level. Twelve interviews were done, analyzed using the Grounded Theory. We identified positive and negative experiences related to the psychosocial support given by the intervention agents, and different changes, occurring that for people in greater vulnerability, emotional support acted as a crucial mean to receive technical support. We conclude that is relevant that intervention agents can adequate themselves to participants' particular profiles. 



How to Cite

Daher, M., Jaramillo, A., & Rosati, A. (2018). Intervention agents at psychosocial programs: Types of support and effects regarding vulnerability level. Psicoperspectivas, 17(1).