Self-goverment technologies in management societies: Self-help literature between narcissism and abjection

Self-goverment technologies in management societies: Self-help literature between narcissism and abjection


  • Silvia Grinberg



For decades we have been witnessing complex processes of crisis and change of the stories of production of subjectivity as part of a network that, as this article proposes, reflect the emergence of a new diagram of government of population that in the management societies are resolved between narcissism and abjection. We refer to the selfhelp literature that express the formation of subjectivity as the narratives of the Ego, that constitute part of a discursive formation that calls subjects to create themselves, become flexible, autonomous, creative, responsible, and so on. Subjectivity breaks managed as a core device express and produce a new system of management practices and conduction of conducts. This involves a new organization of thought, articulation of beliefs, practices, and indeed of rationality. In this framework, this paper seeks to address and critically describe, from the perspective of governmentality studies, this new field of visibility and statements.    

Author Biography

Silvia Grinberg

Doctora de la UBA (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras), Investigadora CONICET. Directora CEPEC, profesora regular en Sociología de la Educación EHU-UNSAM. Profesora Regular pedagogía UNPA-UACO.



How to Cite

Grinberg, S. (2009). Self-goverment technologies in management societies: Self-help literature between narcissism and abjection. Psicoperspectivas, 8(2), 293-308.