Psychosocial interventions with homeless people: Care as an analytic category

Psychosocial interventions with homeless people: Care as an analytic category


  • Jorgelina Di Iorio Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Susana Seidmann Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Constanza Gueglio Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Gustavo Rigueiral Universidad de Buenos Aires



care, homeless people, psychoscial interventions


From the institutional framework that runs the social-healthcare policy with homeless adult population in Buenos Aires city, there are implemented intervention practices mediated through the use of social representations of homeless people (PSC) crystallized in the image of irresponsibility, vagrancy and self inadequacy. The chronical situation of living in the streets is conducting into transitory social links and affective lability, and the intervention practices of caring take to consider beneficiaries like object of control and standardization, and thus they are converted as care receivers. Through participative methodologies, in the frame of an action research project about the paths of homeless people, we present from the protagonists perspective, the problematizing of interventions and making visible the set of self caring practices that homeless people develop in their daily lie, including in the field of problems about caring, the perspective that doesn´t reduce caring to work or homework, but instead as a social right and the construction of citizenship    

Author Biography

Jorgelina Di Iorio, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dra. en psicología. Prof. Adjunta interina cátedra 1 Psicología Social, facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Coordinadora pedagógica Maestría en Psicología Social comunitaria  (UBA ) Co-directora proyecto de investigación UBACyT financiado SECyT



How to Cite

Di Iorio, J., Seidmann, S., Gueglio, C., & Rigueiral, G. (2016). Psychosocial interventions with homeless people: Care as an analytic category. Psicoperspectivas, 15(3), 123-134.