The duogram in systemic therapy training. Therapists and their couple relationships
duograma, terapia sistémica, relaciones de pareja, formación de terapeutasAbstract
In this paper, the authors pose a discussion on the relational aspects of the love bonds of the therapist: the duogram. A neologism is created to make evident how, in analogy with the genogram, the duogram highlights attention towards relationships, leaving in second place the idea that blood ties are the only important bonds of the therapist´s history. The duogram covers subjects´ significant sentimental relationships throughout his or her life; from childhood and remembered relationships, to adolescent and adult relationships actually lived, including stories which were desired, fantasized and were never fulfilled, whether due to non-correspondence of the sentiment or because it was kept secret. The use of this method is analyzed in groups of systemic training, as well as in one-day workshops. Reflections about this experience in groups "without previous history" are based on the experience developed in Chile by one of the authors. In this paper we concentrate on the use of the duogram for training, on its usefulness and on the significance of this exercise for the student who relates, as well as on the participating group.Downloads
How to Cite
Arcelloni, T., & Ferrero, G. (2009). The duogram in systemic therapy training. Therapists and their couple relationships. Psicoperspectivas, 8(1), 195-230.
Research Articles
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