Rethinking the relationship between law and violence against women. An approach to the juridical agents' discourses in relation to the integral law of gender-based violence

Rethinking the relationship between law and violence against women. An approach to the juridical agents' discourses in relation to the integral law of gender-based violence


  • Nicole Schmal Cruzat Universitat de Girona
  • Pilar Camps Costa Universitat de Girona



gender-based violence, judicial agents, qualitative methodology, socio-judicial feminism


Of the many dimensions of the problem of violence exercised by men toward women in the context of the relations of partner or ex partner, this article deals with the analysis of the discursive productions of the institutional actors that are part of the judicial process. Our intention is to investigate the relationship between criminal law and gender-based violence starting from the implementation of the Law of Integral Gender-based Violence in Spain (LO. 1 / 2004) from a theoretical perspective which includes contributions from social psychology, and socio-legal feminism. We have approached the legal instrument — the Law of Integral Gender-based Violence — through the discourse of legal officers with a perspective that questions the values, so often proclaimed, of universality, objectivity and neutrality of the law.

Author Biographies

Nicole Schmal Cruzat, Universitat de Girona

Psicóloga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Doctora © Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Psicología, Universitat de Girona y profesora del Máster Oficial en Igualdad y Género en el Ámbito Público y Privado (Interuniversitario e Internacional) a distancia de la Universitat Jaume I.

Pilar Camps Costa, Universitat de Girona

Licenciada en Derecho, Universitat de Girona.
Doctora © en Derecho Penal, Doctorado Interuniversitario en Derecho Penal.
Profesora Asociada de Derecho Penal, Departamento de Derecho Público, Universitat de Girona.



How to Cite

Schmal Cruzat, N., & Camps Costa, P. (2008). Rethinking the relationship between law and violence against women. An approach to the juridical agents’ discourses in relation to the integral law of gender-based violence. Psicoperspectivas, 7(1), 32-58.



Research Articles