Places of memory in resistance: between the dictatorship and the 2019 revolt in Chile

Places of memory in resistance: between the dictatorship and the 2019 revolt in Chile


  • Isabel Piper Shafir Universidad de Chile
  • Margarita Vélez Maya Programa de psicología Social de la Memoria, U. de Chile



Chile, collective memory, places of memory, places in resistance, social uprising, resistances


This study seeks to understand the memorial uses of public space during the 2019 social revolt in Santiago (Chile), and its relationship with places of memory that have as a focus the memory of the crimes of the civil-military dictatorship. For this purpose, three emblematic places used in the revolt to make memory were analyzed: the Mauricio Fredes Memorial, La Plaza Dignidad and La Galería del Pueblo of the Walls of the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center. A qualitative methodology is used, based on an ethnographic approach to the subject studied. It is concluded that the places of memory of the revolt constitute resistant memorialization processes in two senses. In the first place, because they stress the hegemonic memorial narrative from which the places of memory of the dictatorship in Chile are configured. The second is that they constitute an appropriation and alternative use of public space that disrupts and undermines its normativized and traditional modes and dispositions. We argue that during the revolt the memorial use of public space served as a tool of action for the mobilized citizenry, showing that in the country there is a culture of memorialization that permeates current political practices.

Author Biographies

Isabel Piper Shafir, Universidad de Chile

Dra en Psicología Social
Investigadora en el campo de memorias Colectivas, Derechos Humanos y Violencias Políticas
Académica de Psicología Social
Departamento de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile

Margarita Vélez Maya, Programa de psicología Social de la Memoria, U. de Chile

Psicologa y magister en Psicología Social.
Dra. en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de Chile.



How to Cite

Piper Shafir, I., & Vélez Maya, M. (2024). Places of memory in resistance: between the dictatorship and the 2019 revolt in Chile. Psicoperspectivas, 23(3).