Who is the perpetrator? An approach to categories, profiles, and dimensions elaborated in Chile

Who is the perpetrator? An approach to categories, profiles, and dimensions elaborated in Chile


  • Constanza Dalla Porta Andrade Princeton University
  • Omar Sagredo Mazuela




Chile, dictatorship, profiles, perpetrators


This study analyzes the knowledge regarding the perpetrators of the Chilean military dictatorship (1973-1990) present in ten works written and published in Chile. It was used a qualitative methodology with the aim of interpreting the categories and profiles proposed by these studies, especially those concerning the origins, motivations, and character of the perpetrators. The analysis focuses on ten works that propose profiles and/or categories of perpetrators, interpreting their features and organizing them into four explanatory categories (or axes) regarding their character and/or motivation. The results highlight the main trends in the interpretive work on the perpetrators. It is discussed the nature of existing studies, reflecting on the persisting gaps in addressing the perpetrators. 

Author Biographies

Constanza Dalla Porta Andrade, Princeton University

Licenciada y Magister en Historia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, candidata a Ph.D. en Historia por Princeton University.

Omar Sagredo Mazuela

Dr. (c) en Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Pensamiento, Cultura y Sociedad.

Académico e Investigador del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.



How to Cite

Dalla Porta Andrade, C., & Sagredo Mazuela, O. (2024). Who is the perpetrator? An approach to categories, profiles, and dimensions elaborated in Chile. Psicoperspectivas, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol23-Issue3-fulltext-3264