Sexual violence, phantasm and subjective position: The case of a FARC-EP former combatant

Sexual violence, phantasm and subjective position: The case of a FARC-EP former combatant


  • Ana Lucía Arango Arias Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • John James Gómez Gallego Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • Manuela Orozco Giraldo Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • Vanesa Castaño Ocampo Universidad Católica de Pereira



identification, FARC-EP, former combatant, phantasm, sexual violence, trauma


Sexual violence against women in the context of the Colombian armed conflict, a highly sensitive issue. This article presents research results derived from the analysis of an interview conducted with a former FARC-EP combatant, a victim of sexual violence, using the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Lacan as a reference, specifically in relation to trauma, phantasm, identification and the subjective position, allowing us to understand her ways of entering and deserting the armed group, and the way in which she manages to limit the Other as an abuser. The analysis was carried out following the indicative paradigm applied to discourse analysis, under the logic of the abductive method, relevant to psychoanalysis, since it allows finding the unprecedented following the singular of each case. The findings reveal, not only the place that the subject has as an agent in her suffering, but also that it is precisely because of this place as an agent and the function of fantasy that she came to produce a subjective arrangement with which she set a limit to the circularity of abuse as an expression of the repetition compulsion.    

Author Biographies

Ana Lucía Arango Arias, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Docente del programa de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Pereira. Investigadora del Grupo Clínica y Salud Mental categorizado en A1 segun MINCIENCIAS

John James Gómez Gallego, Universidad Católica de Pereira

PhD. John James Gómez GallegoORCID ID:ón: Universidad Católica de PereiraCorreo Electrónico:

Manuela Orozco Giraldo, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Ps. Manuela Orozco GiraldoORCID ID:ón: Universidad Católica de PereiraCorreo Electrónico:

Vanesa Castaño Ocampo, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Ps. Vanesa Castaño OcampoORCID ID:ón: Universidad Católica de PereiraCorreo Electrónico:



How to Cite

Arango Arias, A. L., Gómez Gallego, J. J., Orozco Giraldo, M., & Castaño Ocampo, V. (2023). Sexual violence, phantasm and subjective position: The case of a FARC-EP former combatant. Psicoperspectivas, 22(3).