The study of the experience of trans adolescence through biographical narratives

The study of the experience of trans adolescence through biographical narratives


  • Noemi Parra Abaúnza Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



adolescence, biographic method, identity, qualitative analysis, transgender


At present, the interpretative framework of trans is being disputed, intensified in the last decade by the emergence of transgender children and adolescents as political subjects and the mobilization of families, which has produced legislative and institutional impacts on the recognition of the right to gender identity. The aim of this research is to identify the dimensions of the biographical experience of a transgender adolescent whose gender transition took place in this context. For this purpose, we use the Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM) and expose the case analysis in two layers: in the first, we relate the "lived life" and the "narrated life" of the biographer, and in the second we interpret the case according to the dimensions of experience identified: the biography in dispute, becoming a trans adolescent, dependence and recognition, the institutional devices of transit (forward) and the transition "sideways". These findings raise the question of whether current professional practices in health, educational and social institutions enable lateral transitions. In this context, the agency of adolescents, social and community care in primary care, assistance to families and support groups among adolescents become central.    

Author Biography

Noemi Parra Abaúnza, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Noemi Parra (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1981) es doctora en Estudios de Género: Culturas Sociedades y Políticas por UVIC-UCC UAB, UB, UdG y URV, Máster Universitario en Sexología por la UCJC, Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural por la UGR y Diplomada en Trabajo Social por la ULPGC. Trabaja como Profesora Contratada Doctora del Área de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales del Departamento de Psicología, Sociología y Trabajo Social en la ULPGC y es profesora invitada en el Máster Universitario de Sexología: Educación Sexual y Asesoramiento Sexológico de la UCJC desde el 2021. Preside el Instituto de Sexología Crítica de Canarias. Durante dos décadas ha estado dedicada a la intervención social en el terreno de género y sexualidad, con especial incidencia en el colectivo juvenil, mujeres y personas con un feminismo más allá de la identidad (Bellaterra, 2021).    



How to Cite

Parra Abaúnza, N. (2023). The study of the experience of trans adolescence through biographical narratives. Psicoperspectivas, 22(3).