Cartography of government practices and subjectivation of young people from popular sectors of Córdoba (Argentina)

Cartography of government practices and subjectivation of young people from popular sectors of Córdoba (Argentina)


  • Francisco Ghisiglieri Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/CONICET
  • Griselda Cardozo Facultad de Psicología - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



daily life, governmentality, precariousness, subjectivation, young people


Daily life of young people from popular sectors of Latin America is conditioned by technologies of government that produce a youth besieged by precariousness. This paper aims to cartographier how these technologies are played in the city of Córdoba (Argentina). Analysis of qualitative type takes tools from Foucauldian power analytics, that possibilities to investigate the ways in which subjectivities are produced in certain power networks, in a singular and situated way. Records, ethnographic interviews and analysis of secondary sources were carried out, within the framework of a field insertion carried out in a neighborhood of a popular sector, between the years 2014-2017. As results, a government that operates by fragmenting and hierarchizing the population stands out through various techniques of power that dislocate daily life and cause a social, community and political precariousness of youth subjectivity. Based on these findings, a line of research is derived in the future referring to necropower and juvenicide, from the perspective of the daily life of young people from the popular sectors of Cordoba.    

Author Biographies

Francisco Ghisiglieri, Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/CONICET

Dr. en Psicología
Becario Postdoctoral CONICET- IIPsi/UNC.
Profesor adjunto de la Carrera de Psicología - UCC

Griselda Cardozo, Facultad de Psicología - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Dra. en psicología.  Profesora titular cátedra Psicología de la Adolescencia (UNC y UCC) Directora del observatorio de la adolescencia (IIPSI/CONICET)



How to Cite

Ghisiglieri, F., & Cardozo, G. (2022). Cartography of government practices and subjectivation of young people from popular sectors of Córdoba (Argentina). Psicoperspectivas, 21(2).