Social representations of public safety among members of the commune of Melipilla, Chile

Social representations of public safety among members of the commune of Melipilla, Chile


  • Carlos San Martín Universidad de Concepción



KEYWORDS public safety, insecurity, social representations, reporting, fear of crime


The following study undertakes a psycho-sociological approach around the social representations of public safety, in order to make a contribution to and to delve - from the discourse level – into a notion of the concept of safety and crime prevention in the context of neighborhood within the Commune of Melipilla, Chile. Using qualitative research techniques we looked into the elaboration of a descriptive schema of categories that would closely match the object being represented, starting with the meaning that citizens assign to crime and to the emotion that follows the sense of insecurity, expressed in more subjective terms as fear of crime. Actions, interactions and tensions that daily surround members of the commune, both individually and as a community.

Author Biography

Carlos San Martín, Universidad de Concepción

SENAME - Funcionario Público



How to Cite

San Martín, C. (2012). Social representations of public safety among members of the commune of Melipilla, Chile. Psicoperspectivas, 12(1), 72-94.