The value of cognition and affectivity in psycho-collective analysis

The value of cognition and affectivity in psycho-collective analysis


  • Gabriela Rodriguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Carlos Juárez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Maria del Consuelo Ponce Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



collective psychic structure, intersubjectivity, communication, sense


This document delineates the elements that lead to take psycho-collective reality as made out of daily communication, where affection and cognition combine to give it sense. This reality is made out of inter-subjective communication, rooted on the principle of shared experience and the development of common sense. It offers the possibility of transforming, learning, building, assimilating the organizational culture, understanding that collective reality is not solely made out of reciprocal action between two or more objects, but also out of coincidence in time and space. The psycho-collective reading that is here proposed allows us to recognize the individual-societal dichotomy and to recapture the tertiary reading which takes into account other elements (culture, context) in order to discover the sense of the collective.

Author Biography

Gabriela Rodriguez, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Dra. en Ciencias sociales con Maestría en Psicología Social. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Centro Unievsritario Ecatepec.



How to Cite

Rodriguez, G., Juárez, C., & Ponce, M. del C. (2012). The value of cognition and affectivity in psycho-collective analysis. Psicoperspectivas, 11(2), 206-219.