Post career: An experience of retirees in bridge employment
bridge employment, post-career, retirement, work, elderly population,Abstract
The increase of the elderly population and its permanence in the labour markets, has generated a protagonism in this population, being one of the current challenges. The aim of this study is to explore the post career, considering the relationship between older retired adults and work. Interviews were conducted with 12 retirees in bridge jobs. In the results, it was observed that post-career is a process of adaptation and transition in which the retiree is the author of his personal, work and social life project, where work continues to play the central role in people's lives.Amongst the conclusions, as being the post-career and bridge employment related to retirement, they become notions for an exclusive population. Additionally, it was proposed to change the term bridge employment for bridge work, since it is considered more appropriate with the different work modalities in which retirees are inserted and with the current realities of the world of work.
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