Revisiting some tools of systemic evaluation
genograma, evaluación, constructivismoAbstract
The evaluation procedures of the professions of psychology, social work, and others, emerge within the historical context of modern empiricism. Its objectivity, rigor of measurement, neutral value, and scientific expertise is assumed. In the context of constructivism, many of the traditional foundations of evaluation are questioned. This type of critique is not meant to threaten certain types of procedures, but to look for a deeper understanding of them. Rethinking of tools of evaluation like the genogram and ecomap, suggests the exploration of new potentials for the practices of evaluation in the professions that use this type of procedure.Published
How to Cite
Escalante Gómez, E. (2011). Revisiting some tools of systemic evaluation. Psicoperspectivas: Individuo Y Sociedad, 10(1), 190–208. Retrieved from
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