Structures and meanings of managerial trajectories in large Argentine companies

Structures and meanings of managerial trajectories in large Argentine companies


  • Florencia Luci
  • Marcela Zangaro



interactionist sociology theory, labor competition, managerial career advancement, organizational structure, subjectivity process,


This article explores how those who aspire to hold management positions in large Argentine companies perceive and signify the competence of the managerial career. The aim is to explore the relationship between the way in which organizations are diagnosed and thought out in objective terms, and how they are diagnosed and thought out in subjective terms, that is, the way of living them and of perceiving one's work experience in specific organizational designs. Qualitative research was conducted in eight large companies in Argentina from different sectors and forms of ownership where 88 managers were interviewed and 12 in-depth interviews were conducted with the directors and human resources managers as well as with key informants. We identify that the competition towards the top is meant as up or out, elusive constriction or traditional dynamic, and that the temporal dynamics of the race is meant in terms of stagnation, turning points or status passages. The inclusion of these meanings and subjective assessments, together with the objective elements that derive from the design of the organization, are fundamental for an analysis of organizations as complex phenomena

Author Biographies

Florencia Luci

Investigadora del CONICET, con sede en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (IIGG-UBA), Argentina. Profesora de la UBA.

Marcela Zangaro

Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS) y la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Argentina. Profesora de la UNGS.



How to Cite

Luci, F., & Zangaro, M. (2018). Structures and meanings of managerial trajectories in large Argentine companies. Psicoperspectivas, 17(3).