The des-skilling of work in department stores

The des-skilling of work in department stores


  • Antonio Stecher Universidad Diego Portales
  • Rodolfo Martinic Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Diego Portales



Chile, customer service, deparment stores, deskilling, labor process, retail


This article presents the results of a study about the reorganization of the sales-work process recently implemented in department stores in the Chilean retail industry. It was used the theoretical framework of the Labor Process Theory and a qualitative methodological design. We conducted 31 semi-structured interviews with front-line workers and 6 interviews with experts in the field, which were analysed through the codification procedures of the grounded theory. The results describe the reorganization of the sales-work process and the customer service in stores, and analyses their consequences in terms of the tasks' level complexity and the autonomy of the workers, evidencing a tendency towards the deskilling. It is concluded that this trend has entailed a degradation of sales personnel working and employment conditions, in coincidence with the international evidence regarding recent organizational and labor worldwide transformations in the service sector and the retail industry.    

Author Biography

Antonio Stecher, Universidad Diego Portales

Psicólogo, Universidad de Chile

Magíster Filosofía Política, Universidad de Chile

Profesor, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Diego Portales



How to Cite

Stecher, A., & Martinic, R. (2018). The des-skilling of work in department stores. Psicoperspectivas, 17(3).