Modernity and its dilemmas in the age of market: Is there any possible future?
The paper discusses globalization as the moment in Modern Age that exacerbates its contradictions, as a civilizing project based on domination ethics of domination. Initiated during the Conquest, the essence of Modernity is a project based on force and violence. As it was imposed outwards, Modernity began its own internal disputes,. which resulted in the confrontation of two projects; one based on instrumental rationality and market-driven; and another based on the rationality of the state and politics. These projects and its variations have disputed Modernity during the last two hundred years. Finally, the first project has prevailed. However, we question the viability of globalization as a project sustained on the violence of the market, since domination has ceased to be viable and to have sense since it has driven, increasingly, not to submission but towards destruction. Buildinga new ethics based on the defense of life, respect for differences and negotiation of basic agreements that enable coexistence in diversity, becomes the only option for the future.Published
How to Cite
Ibarra Colado, E. (2010). Modernity and its dilemmas in the age of market: Is there any possible future?. Psicoperspectivas, 9(2), 158-179.
Research Articles
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